Sunday, January 4, 2009


I settled down on the bed to read a little more in my book, and before I knew it, I was out. That was a 4. The next time I saw the clock it was 6:15. Now I'm up and about trying to make myself awake enough to do something to make me tired so I will be able to fall asleep tonight. That was a mouthful. I wish I was one of those people, like my husband, who can take a 20 minute power nap. He is so revived and refreshed after those. I have never experienced that. That would make the rest of my day horrible if I were teased with only a few minutes of great sleep.

Anyways, this weekend was busy. I had privates at the studio... some good, some not so good. Some are progressing, some are at a plateau. Some you can tell love dance, others it feels like I'm pulling their teeth to get them to be there. I guess thats how it is everywhere though. One day, I'm going to work somewhere or be a part of something where EVERYONE is in it for the same reasons. Where everyone feels the same way I do about dance. I may have to create that future for myself, but for once, I'd love to say "I WANT TO GO TO WORK TODAY!!!!!!!!!" I said that a few times this past summer because it was basically an option to come take class. It was the best feeling when I'd have 16 or more kids show up and they would work so hard for themselves and for me. They were there because of positive reasons. Not social ones. Not forced ones. *sigh*
This is a dance I did that I finished yesterday in a private... I really love it. I want to do more dances like this, with people who love to dance.

Today marks the last day of my winter vacation. I'm so lucky b/c I get the same breaks as public schools. Granted, there is no pay during that time which is a big suck, but I love it regardless. Being able to plan my day and not have to worry about being holed up in a dance studio from 3:30-9:30 was great. I got my "list" accomplished, all except for one thing. But that can be done this week. I got to spend lots of time with Ken which was terrific. I was afraid that seeing each other that much would result in a few arguements or fights here and there, but it didn't! We got to go see a movie, go have dinner and lunch, go shopping, and run all of our errands together. It was great and I'm sad it's coming to an end.

I need to go figure out what I want to eat for dinner. Chicken fried rice sounds good, but Ken is having some stomach issues from his lunch today, maybe we'll treat ourselves to that later this week.

Oh and I really love my book I'm currently reading. Snowflower and the Secret Fan. It's great and I've learned so much about 19th Century Chinese Culture. Makes me really happy to have been born in America. And in the 1980s. :)

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