Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009, day one

Well, I am starting off 2009 with a really annoying tension headache. This could also be a sinus pressure headache... I'm not sure. It's not from ringing in the new year with champagne though! I didn't have one drop of alcohol!

Ken and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Olive Garden (me drinking Coke, him drinking Water, haha) and came home to be with our sweet little pets. Lucy had just gotten a ton of shots at the vet earlier in the day and was really groggy and sore. Bless her heart, she had to take Baby Aspirin!
Anyways, we had a great time just relaxing and watching movies. To me, that was more fun and memorable than a night on the town or getting wasted with friends.

I am really proud of myself b/c I have organized my whole "adult" life. When I say that, I mean things like pay stubs, bank statements, old bill statements, old checks, and miscellaneous (sp?) items are now filed away in folders and manila envelopes. It took a good hour and a half to do all that, but I can now say I know where every little thing is if one were to ask. Go find your check from August 8th 2007 that you wrote to Walmart. OK! DONE! Go find your OSLA Student Loan bill statement from May of 2006. Ok, here it is! Yeah, I really can't believe I did all that. It was one of my goals for the winter break though.

I am sad that I only have 4 days left of it... actually, I have to go to work on Saturday to do 3 hours of privates... which I don't really consider work b/c I enjoy working one on one w/ the sudents, but still. I have to go to work. Blah.

There are a few more things I need to accomplish over the next few days, like setting up a drs appt, starting a solo for a former student in texas, taking down the tree and other inside decorations (always a drag, BLEH!!!!), and maybe even starting my book about Lucy. Yep, I want to write a book.
Speaking of good books, I recently read Water for Elephants by Sara Gruene, and it is now on my top 3 favorite books ever. You should read it. :)

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