Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hmmm Hmmm GOOD.

So, I know most people think McDonalds is a cop out for making a good healthy dinner, and most people think it's just downright gross.
However, I beg to differ. It is my favorite fast food restaurant, and I have had to limit myself to only visiting once a week. Well, it had been 8 long days, and just now, for dinner, I treated myself to a Quarter Pounder w/o Cheese Meal. French fries. Sprite. It was so good. I keep saying to Ken that I'd go back right now and get another one if I didn't think I'd have a heart attack 5 minutes later! The french fries were the perfect amount of salty, the perfect temperature, and not soggy at all, but not overly crispy. The burger had the perfect amount of onions and I had a brand new bottle of ketchup to dip it in! :) And of course, the sprite was perfectly bubbly and carbonated.
Ok, I'm done with that now.

I read a great book- The Shack. A lot of people have been reading it lately and I'd actually never heard of it till I saw it onsale in Walmart... but then as I mentioned it on my facebook, I got so many responses from people saying how much they loved it. Only one person actually hated it. It taught me quite a bit about how my relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit should be. It also taught me that the trinity is indeed ONE being. One person. We separate them a lot, but really, they live in each other as one... and that is what God wants with us. To live in us, to have a true, steadfast friendship. The way the main character spoke to God once he "met" him was like they had known each other for years. It was interesting to witness that kind of companionship between our Father and a human just like me. There were some tragic parts of the novel, of course, but that is how Mack (the main character) came to meet God at the shack. I really need to revisit my spirituality and get back in tune with God and including Him in my everyday activity. So many times I neglect to put my focus on Him. I get so caught up in my human endeavors and the negative aspects of life... when really, I have no negative areas in my life. I am so lucky and it's not exactly BECAUSE of God, but because of how I've chosen to live my life. God has just been along for the ride, and has wanted desperately to be included. I learned from the book that above all, unconditional love and trust are the 2 most essential things in a good relationship with Him. Go read the book- it will alter your way of thinking quite a bit!
Oh- and the first part of the book to me was really slow and I actually thought the writing was wordy and cheesy. But once you get past that and get to the meat of the story, you will be pleasantly surprised!

On a random note, I hit red lights way too often. I swear- I have this weird electric energy that must come out of me b/c each time I drive, I hit every red light that exists. It happens when I am with Ken too, but he swears it doesn't happen when he is by himself.

Also, I have noticed that I never pick up my drink from the middle of the cup. I always pick it up from the top or the lid. Is that weird? I think it's because I don't want to get my hand cold or have the condensation make it wet. I really hate when my hands get wet. Or when anything gets on my hands for that matter.

It is really cold here in Wilmington. Temperatures have dropped below freezing which is very rare for the coastal carolinas! I like it b/c the air feels clean... however I wish I could see it snow or something. Then I'd TRULY appreciate it. It's just bitter cold...

I need to dye my roots. I have the box ready but it just is an annoying process. I feel like Romy and Michele back in their high school days. Blonde hair and black roots. Sexy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sitting Quietly

My title for this blog has a double meaning.
1) I am sitting quietly, literally. It is a nice moment before I have to finish getting ready for work and to enter the studio full of loud kids. This is the first week back to dance after the Christmas holiday and my 6-9 year olds are sure to be a handful. My beautiful little animals are also sitting with me. Pumpkin on her window seat enjoying the sunlight coming through, Lucy in her pink princess bed under the desk I'm sitting at, and Tex sprawled out on the rug in front of the doorway. Ken is at the gym working out, enjoying himself. I have much to be thankful for... I notice it most in simple, quiet times like these.

2) My other reason for naming this entry Sitting Quietly is that it's actually a chapter title in the book I just finished. I honestly can't say enough about this novel. I think I mentioned it in my previous blog. It's called Snowflower and the Secret Fan by the amazing Lisa See. It's one of those book that you feel really educated after you complete it. Not that is was difficult to read, but there is just so much I learned. So much I was unaware of. Who would have thought I'd choose to read and enjoy a book about 19th century Chinese culture? The plot and the characters and the details See gives the reader were outstanding and held my attention through the entire 253 pages. That may not seem like a long book, but when you see the type and margins, you'll understand why it took me about 5 days to read it. I highly recommend any female to buy this book. You'll be so thankful to be an American and so thankful to live in modern times. However, some parts of this book actually made me envy these women. They learned so much about themselves, were the unsung heroes of each family, and the word lazy would never be a part of their lifestyle... I really admire the culture and the women I read about. Like I said, I can't enough about it. I could go on and on.

So besides reading this book, starting back to work, and hanging out here w/ Lucy, Tex and Pumpkin, there isn't much new going on. I do have a few prayer requests.
1) My friend Gina, who is also an Alpha Phi Sister, has to put her dog Maggie to sleep tomorrow. If you are an animal lover, you know how heartbreaking this is. Please keep her in your prayers. Maggie has lived a really long life, but this is never an easy task for even the bravest people in the world.
2) My mom has begun taking CNA courses so that she can get a better job. On top of these classes, she is still working her normal job, plus has lots of reading/studying to do. Please pray that she gets through it and doesn't give up. I know she really wants to accomplish this.
3) My Pa is doing better from his stroke (which he had mid-November) but please continue to pray for his recovery.

Emily-- please post more Harper pics! :)

Thats all for now. Almost time for work.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I settled down on the bed to read a little more in my book, and before I knew it, I was out. That was a 4. The next time I saw the clock it was 6:15. Now I'm up and about trying to make myself awake enough to do something to make me tired so I will be able to fall asleep tonight. That was a mouthful. I wish I was one of those people, like my husband, who can take a 20 minute power nap. He is so revived and refreshed after those. I have never experienced that. That would make the rest of my day horrible if I were teased with only a few minutes of great sleep.

Anyways, this weekend was busy. I had privates at the studio... some good, some not so good. Some are progressing, some are at a plateau. Some you can tell love dance, others it feels like I'm pulling their teeth to get them to be there. I guess thats how it is everywhere though. One day, I'm going to work somewhere or be a part of something where EVERYONE is in it for the same reasons. Where everyone feels the same way I do about dance. I may have to create that future for myself, but for once, I'd love to say "I WANT TO GO TO WORK TODAY!!!!!!!!!" I said that a few times this past summer because it was basically an option to come take class. It was the best feeling when I'd have 16 or more kids show up and they would work so hard for themselves and for me. They were there because of positive reasons. Not social ones. Not forced ones. *sigh*
This is a dance I did that I finished yesterday in a private... I really love it. I want to do more dances like this, with people who love to dance.

Today marks the last day of my winter vacation. I'm so lucky b/c I get the same breaks as public schools. Granted, there is no pay during that time which is a big suck, but I love it regardless. Being able to plan my day and not have to worry about being holed up in a dance studio from 3:30-9:30 was great. I got my "list" accomplished, all except for one thing. But that can be done this week. I got to spend lots of time with Ken which was terrific. I was afraid that seeing each other that much would result in a few arguements or fights here and there, but it didn't! We got to go see a movie, go have dinner and lunch, go shopping, and run all of our errands together. It was great and I'm sad it's coming to an end.

I need to go figure out what I want to eat for dinner. Chicken fried rice sounds good, but Ken is having some stomach issues from his lunch today, maybe we'll treat ourselves to that later this week.

Oh and I really love my book I'm currently reading. Snowflower and the Secret Fan. It's great and I've learned so much about 19th Century Chinese Culture. Makes me really happy to have been born in America. And in the 1980s. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009, day one

Well, I am starting off 2009 with a really annoying tension headache. This could also be a sinus pressure headache... I'm not sure. It's not from ringing in the new year with champagne though! I didn't have one drop of alcohol!

Ken and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Olive Garden (me drinking Coke, him drinking Water, haha) and came home to be with our sweet little pets. Lucy had just gotten a ton of shots at the vet earlier in the day and was really groggy and sore. Bless her heart, she had to take Baby Aspirin!
Anyways, we had a great time just relaxing and watching movies. To me, that was more fun and memorable than a night on the town or getting wasted with friends.

I am really proud of myself b/c I have organized my whole "adult" life. When I say that, I mean things like pay stubs, bank statements, old bill statements, old checks, and miscellaneous (sp?) items are now filed away in folders and manila envelopes. It took a good hour and a half to do all that, but I can now say I know where every little thing is if one were to ask. Go find your check from August 8th 2007 that you wrote to Walmart. OK! DONE! Go find your OSLA Student Loan bill statement from May of 2006. Ok, here it is! Yeah, I really can't believe I did all that. It was one of my goals for the winter break though.

I am sad that I only have 4 days left of it... actually, I have to go to work on Saturday to do 3 hours of privates... which I don't really consider work b/c I enjoy working one on one w/ the sudents, but still. I have to go to work. Blah.

There are a few more things I need to accomplish over the next few days, like setting up a drs appt, starting a solo for a former student in texas, taking down the tree and other inside decorations (always a drag, BLEH!!!!), and maybe even starting my book about Lucy. Yep, I want to write a book.
Speaking of good books, I recently read Water for Elephants by Sara Gruene, and it is now on my top 3 favorite books ever. You should read it. :)